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Release Announcement – Version 2023.4

What’s New 2023.4


117775 GL Transactions extract to CSV for audit and analysis purposes

Ecommerce \ POS

117770 Australia Post and StarTrack direct integration at POS for carrier bookings

118050 Shippit tracking number made available for tracking by carriers via the Retail API


117967 Mobile Scan Packing compatibility with new device Cipherlab RS35 device

Ecommerce \ POS - 2023.3

117124 Create stock adjustments at store using a mobile device (Envimo)

117271 When refunding in store alert store staff if an item has previously been returned

118241 New Retail API endpoint to return all outstanding (non-expired) gift vouchers, with optional parameters for last updated

118240 New Retail API endpoint to return all outstanding (non-expired) rewards, with optional parameters for last updated and customer ID

118238 - Retail API updated to include size description (currently just code)

118110 – Security updates Envimo admin portal to add password strength and two factor authentication

118019 - Product dimensions available via the Retail API

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